Before there was time; before there was anything, there was nothing. Before there was nothing, there was Otto III. All reality was focused into a singular point of infinite light and wisdom. This was the Primordial Essence of Otto III.

Otto III looked upon the void, boundless and bare. The vast nothingness was fertile soil for creation to spring into being. Otto III, in His benevolence, gifted the void some of His divinity, and so it was that space came to be, dotted with brilliant masses of light to reflect His true form. And thus Otto III created the cosmos, and it was good.

Otto III focused on one mass of light, and saw fit to give it children to watch over. Nine bodies were created, and made to dance around their parent in reverence. Of these bodies, seven were in turn given their own children to care for. Thus, it came to be that the Sun was given its planets and the planets their moons, and it was good.

Otto III chose one of these planets, and gave it the gift of vast fertile lands. And so, this planet was to be called the Earth. The lands would be rich, and nurture the seeds which came to rest within. Thus, the continents were made upon the Earth.

Otto III saw the continents upon the Earth, and saw fit to divide them. Otto III saw the terrible heat which rested on the Earth, and saw fit to cool it. So, He filled the vast basins of the world with water, and these came to form the seas. Thus, the waters divided the lands and cooled the Earth, and it was good.

The land and the seas were now upon the Earth, but above them there was still void. So, Otto III created the skies, and they would divide the Earth from the void. Then, creatures were created to inhabit these skies, and soar above the land. These creatures were the Double Headed Aquila.

Seeing the lands and waters of the Earth, Otto III sought to give them their own life. So it was that Otto III created all the creatures, plants, and other organisms upon the Earth. The animals fed from the plants, and the plants from the sun, such that all living things were animated by the boundless supply of solar energy. Thus, the primordial organic forces of life, metabolism, and transactions were established.

The surface of the Earth was now blessed with life in all forms. Otto III now created a being to reap the bounty of His world. From the clay He moulded a creature in His own image. So it came to be that humanity was made.

Otto III created a home for humanity, resting upon the riverside. There all humans would live in peace, and want for nothing. From this first settlement, hundreds would spring forth across the valley, each one a host of Paradise. This was the founding of the First Empire, Sumer.

Now, Otto III looked upon all His works, contemplating them. He gazed at the stars in the sky and the planets around them. He gazed at the life which roamed the Earth, and humanity who lived in peace. Otto III looked at this, and He saw that it was good, and so He rested.